Monday, August 12, 2013


Well hello there
As you may have heard, I just recently had a baby.  And man, was it an interesting time.
This time around was defiantly different from last time.
I was late again....or so the doctor said.  Matt and I think they got the due date wrong and we actually forced her to come early.
The doctor had been telling us that she was going to be a big baby.  He didn't want to wait super long over my due date because of that.  So I had to go in and get medicine on my cervix Thursday night at about 6. 
I guess I should give a TMI warning.  I dunno what is "too far" so beware haha.
Anynoodle....So I had the leave the medicine in till 4am and that is when they'd start Pitocin.
I was already getting contractions before the medicine came out.  When they took it out and checked me at 4 I was at a one.
The contractions got REALLY bad.  Worse then the ones I had with Hailey.
They never really came in and checked my progress (which I think made my doctor mad) so when they came in at 7 for shift change I told them to check me to see if I could get my epidural.
I was at a 4 so I could, but the guy who does it was in surgery so I'd have to wait for him to get out.
They gave me the little version in my IV but it didn't do anything for me.
They were getting things set up for my epidural and I was contracting like crazy.  I needed to go to the bathroom.  That was basically my water breaking.  After sitting I couldn't get back up.  Baby was on it's way!  I thought I had felt pressure down there, but I was sure it couldn't happen that fast.  I was just a 4!  But after squatting like that to pee, that did it.
My body was pushing her out!  The nurse there was an RN but was new to babies and I don't think she got that I meant pushing like baby coming not pushing like through the pain or whatever because she was like "oh you mean baby?!"
She checked and baby was RIGHT there.  They called the doctor and had the emergency doctor on call.  The nurses were all scrambling.
Doctor came in and he was annoyed at them for not keeping up on it.  He kept telling them to get him his gloves.  They were trying to tie his smock thingy, but he kept saying there was no time.
Five minutes later she was out.  If that....born at about 8
I went from a 4 to 10 in about an hour.
So I delivered her with no Epidural....which was an interesting experience.  Not what I had wanted, but it was nice not to have the after results of it.
I just remember coming to the realization that it was the baby coming, and they weren't going to give me the epidural, so I just started pushing because everyone always says the pain goes away like right after baby is out.  I know I shouldn't of helped it along while doctor wasn't there but....I was so done haha.
Afterwards I swear the doctor gave me a tranquilizer or something.  I basically passed out afterwards.  They had the baby on my stomach and were trying to get me to rub her clean with them and stuff, but she kept rolling backwards because I couldn't hold her.  Finally the doctor told the nurses to take her.
The doctors office doesn't seem to communicate well, and he's not much of a people person it seems.  But I will say when it came to delivery and all that, he was very good.  Much better then the guy who delivered Hailey.
So now, we're a family of 4

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