Saturday, February 11, 2012


Well hello there!  What's up?  Nothing much here.  No really...not really anything.
This video thing has been fun.  I want to keep going, but they probably won't be put up as often because there really isn't much going on right now.  It may pick up because Matt and I want to make a trip to Venice, and within the next 2 weeks we may be headed to Disneyland!  But right now it's mainly work, and since Matt takes the car, I'm stuck at home.
On a cool note!  There is this really popular YouTuber named Philip DeFranco.  He started a new channel called SourceFed.  They had people put pictures on their Facebook of people watching their channel.  I put one up of Hailey and it made it in their video!  If you want to see the video, here's the link.  Her photo is at about 1:03
We've been watching PhillyD for a long time, and I about died when I saw her photo flash across the screen. 
On the workout front.  I haven't missed a day, and I still haven't had any McDonalds.  I have, however had maybe....2 cokes.  I need to up my workout to every day, but it's hard to get into the groove.  I also want to start waking up earlier so I can get my workout done before Hailey wakes up. 
So, if you get bored...check out my channel and see my cute little baby dance around the Japanese store


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