Monday, December 12, 2011

13 more days...

...Til Christmas!  It's coming slow and fast at the same time - but isn't that the story of life?
I'm trying to put into perspective how many days I have so I can get all the gifts I need together to ship to Utah.  It'll be close this year so we probably won't do Christmas cards this year.
Having to send gifts to Utah at all bums me out.  This is the year we were supposed to go there, but because Matt can't afford to miss that much work, we can't go.  He offered for just me and the baby to go, but that feels just as wrong. 
Hailey has graduated to a big girl carseat.  I think she'll be much happier in it than her old one.  This way she can face forward.  It'll be sad though when she falls asleep and her head falls forward haha.  It's actually a Christmas present from Matt's mom, but we opened it early so she could use it.  We were going to clean out the car and put it in today, but it's been raining all day.  That and we park kind of on a hill so we'd be sliding in the mud.  One day I'll have to take a bunch of pictures so you can see I'm not making it up haha.  I do like the wildlife and the view is great, but that's pretty much it.  Well that and I can be as loud as I want and I have no neighbors close enough to care. 
Hailey is such a girl!  She loves shoes.  And any shoes at that.  She will carry around her shoes and try to put them on.  Than she grabs my shoes (most of the time my black wedges) and tries to put them on.  When she can't she brings them to me to put them on her.  It would work if she'd slide her feet like most do when they wear shoes too big, but she tries to lift her feet.  She also will step into Matt's shoes.  Silly girl.
Well I'm going to go wake up Matt so we can figure out dinner, I'm getting hungry :)
(as you'll notice Lacey, she still crosses her ankles haha)


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