Today I'm making Hailey's birthday cake for her party tomorrow. It got me thinking of my pregnancy. And with people I know either just having babies or being pregnant, I realized I love hearing different peoples pregnancy/birth stories. It's interesting how different they are. So I thought I'd share mine for fun. If I happen to say something gross....sorry haha. Beware - may be long.
I remember almost the exact day I started getting sick. We had gone to Disneyland for my 21st birthday (since we couldn't get to Vegas haha). A couple days after that I felt sick. I figured maybe it was just from eating badly and running around. But it didn't go away. I remember being sick on our anniversary...I felt so bad, like I had ruined it. I had been sick for a weeks time before, so I didn't think anything of it.
As time went on and I was still sick, that's when the first person - Matt's aunt Odette, asked if I was pregnant. The idea of being pregnant was so weird to me that I said no way. I'm one of those people who never thought I'd even get married, let alone have a baby (even though I wanted to, just never thought it would happen to me, that and I still feel the same as when I was in school). She told me she'd buy me a pregnancy test, but I told her she didn't have to because there was no way. As I was almost into three weeks of being sick Matt bought me a pregnancy test. I took it and it was positive! I didn't know what to think. To be honest I was still in denial. The next morning I took the second test in the box....another positive. We had to call Odette to tell her she was right.
Because we don't have health insurance we had to get back on Medi-cal. I had been kicked off after turning 21. To get a proof of pregnancy they would accept, we went to Planned Parenthood. Another positive test. It kind of threw me when the lady asked me what option I would choose (keep it, adoption, abortion). Forgot there were people who came for that reason.
As soon as we got accepted for Medi-cal we went to the doctor. She told us that we were about 14 weeks and due the day after Thanksgiving - November 26th. As weird as it sounds I still didn't feel pregnant. Almost like people were pulling a prank on me. Than she sent us over for ultrasounds. That's when it hit me. It was the weirdest feeling to see something on the screen moving. We asked if we could see the sex yet. She said it wasn't for sure, but it looked like a girl.
After I finally got over my three months of laying on the couch and throwing up, I had a pretty uneventful pregnancy. From all the throwing up I had lost a ton of weight. But after that I gained just what I needed. I had no cravings and for those that know me...I had no McDonalds and no soda my whole pregnancy. The one thing that I knew made me sick was fruit for a long time. Sucked. I didn't work while pregnant so no swollen feet. I never had heartburn or really any back pain. I had to take an Iron pill everyday with my prenatal and I had to have a shot for the rh factor since I have a negative blood type (don't remember what it is haha). I also was told that I was bigger than I seemed to myself. I never felt like my stomach got that big, but I guess it did. She was also a very active baby, mostly at night.
Since I couldn't travel for Thanksgiving because it was so close to my due date, my family came to me for Thanksgiving. And since I couldn't get to Utah for a baby shower with my side of the family, my mom and Sonnie took me to Babies-R-Us and Target and got me pretty much everything on my registry. Which I am so thankful for. Matt also made her changing table/dresser with his dad.
We all hoped Hailey would come early or right on time so my family could be here for her birth. No such luck. As a matter of fact, she would make us wait for another almost two weeks! I was feeling contractions for almost three days before she was born. They would keep me up all night. The first night we went to the hospital they were going to break my water, but without telling me why, he changed his mind and sent me home. We had a doctors appointment that day and than we walked around the mall (a lot). Two night laters we decided to go in again even though I was afraid they'd send us home again.
They offically hooked me up to everything and we spent the night there. I was progressing kind of slowly so they gave me very little pitocin. Than I was finally able to get my epidural. After I got that my body relaxed and I progressed fairly quickly. I didn't even feel my water break.
All of a sudden they told me I could get ready to push. I pushed for about an hour and she was out. Her heart rate never dropped inbetween pushes, she was kicking me on the way out, and she also had no redness anywhere like I saw a lot of babies with (on tv of course haha). The doctor even said she had great skin. 7lbs 8oz...exactly what I had guessed. 21 inches long. Born at 5:21PM on December 5th. I had to get an episiotomy. One thing I really did NOT like about our birthing was that the doctor there wasn't the one I had picked and not only was he weird and hard to understand, but he didn't let Matt cut the cord. I was so mad.
Well, there ya have it. My uneventful pregnancy. During the whole thing I ended up losing almost 30lbs after she was born. Sadly, being in a depression for a while and slacking off, when I stopped breastfeeding I gained a lot of it back.
I was going to put pictures in here, but it would make it so long, so I put this slideshow instead. :)