Thursday, July 14, 2011

Little Tokyo

The other day we decided to go to downtown LA and explore Little Tokyo.  Man was it a pain to find.  I was a little disappointed.  It was smaller than I thought it would be...but I think it didn't do well in the economy drop since the "mall" part of it had mostly shops that said "for lease".  Also, the two stores that Austin and I would mainly want to go in were closed.  But they did have cool other stuff.  Austin got a couple figurines.  They had some awesome weapons too!  Plus the bakery and grocery store had cool Japanese foods. 
Apparently we have at least one other mouse.  I heard it this morning and the crumbs from the pizza box (which I left to see if they would be gone) were, in fact, gone.  It's starting to drive me I'll never have a clean counter again!  I want to get rid of them all (or at least most) before we go to Utah...which is in 5 days!  I'm so excited. 
I talked to Kim the other day on the phone and hearing the girls in the background always makes me laugh. Sadie was crying because it started raining and her penguin was outside.  And Arya decided to take a mudbath under the gutter haha.  So cute. 
I feel like I need to prepare for this trip starting now...but there really isn't anything I can do beside kill some mice...that and mail Austin's swords.  I'm afraid that is going to cost a ton of money.  Mainly because the box is oddly shapen.  I also had this idea about bringing a box of diapers with us instead of trying to pack them like I did last time...and that way I can have more and bring some for Kim as well.  But now I'm rethinking how I'm going to do it a little.  Maybe I'll ask Matt his opinion and maybe call the airline.  Another bummer is we wish we could bring our own stroller (but no way could we do that without a major pain).  I like it because we can put our junk under it, unlike an umbrella stroller.  That and because it leans back, if we're out and about I can give Hailey her bottle and lay the seat back and she's fine.  We could check it with the baggage, but than we'd have to pay for it.  And we all know your stuff doesn't get treated that well when being thrown on a plane. 


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