Sunday, December 12, 2010

Week 1

Today Hailey is a week old.  Part of me wants to say it went by fast and part of me can't believe it's only been a week.  There have been ups and downs of course.  So far *knock on wood* she sleeps through the night pretty well.  My times up with her when she does get up seem to be longer than they were though.  Her eating habits are crazy (to me) and sometimes I fear she's not getting enough, even though I can't force her to eat haha.  Sitting here "recovering" isn't sitting well with me.  I feel like I'm wasting time, even though I probably wouldn't be doing anything anyway.  Breastfeeding right now seems like such an ordeal to me, but I'm still working out the kinks.  I don't know how I'll get it to where I can do it in public with ease. 
I have a major case of the baby blues.  My emotions are all out of wack.  I worry about things I know I shouldn't and I can't help myself haha.  Everyone tells me to relax and things will work out...that it's only been a week..and they are right, it's just hard convincing my head of the same thing.  She is great though.  She's a pain to burp because she is always trying to lift up her head haha.  She's also quite alert, sometimes just sitting there awake looking around. 
 Matt takes very good care of me.  He has been rock.  I really haven't been resting like I should be, and he's trying to get me to.  He prepares my meals, does the laundry, changes diapers without a complaint, and would do anything I asked him to.  Sometimes I wish he could breastfeed her haha.  Thank you babe for being so wonderful! I love you.



  1. I cried for a week straight after I had Mondo.It will go away. If she's hungry, she'll cry, so don't worry that she's not getting enough. Although its hard with your first baby when you don't see the bottle emptying and you don't know what they are getting!

  2. Breastfeeding is hard stuff, but I'm proud of you for doing it!! It also adds to your depression, because you're not sleeping like you want (or need). But seriously, take time for yourself and get away!! HAHA about breastfeeding in public!! I NEVER could be one of those women who do that. I would always sit in the car or in the bathroom stall (if it was clean)... HAHA you do want you need to do. She's beautiful Vickie!!!
