Thursday, September 2, 2010

Week 28

Went to the doctor yesterday.  I had an ultrasound to check my...marginal previa?  Anyway, it's completely out of the way now, so all is normal.  The lady got us a pretty good profile picture (even though to me it looks like it's just a head with no body haha) and told Matt that it is indeed still a girl.  I had to get my blood drawn again for my glucose test.  I drank some stuff they called "glucola" (I found that entertaining) and it did, in fact, taste like orange soda.  For some reason this time, the lady had a hard time finding any veins.  She's never had problems before.  She tried to draw from my arm and missed, so now I have a little prick mark in my arm hehe.  She ended up drawing with a smaller needle from my hand.  It actually hurt more and i got a darkening bruise, bigger than I usually get, and it's actually a hurty bruise unlike the others.  I also had to get a shot for the Rh Factor thing.  Matt said it was a big needle.  It didn't really hurt when she stuck me. It did hurt though when she pushed the plunger and than pulled it out.  I had to get it in my hip.  The doctor said that everything is good.  She said that now I'll have an appointment every 2 weeks.  That seems like a lot.  Am I wrong?  Oh well. 



  1. Nope thats right, you go every two weeks, and then weekly after that!

  2. YAY!!! You're almost done... Weird, are you old enough??!! Can't wait =) Cute ultra sound pix by the way!!
