Tuesday, September 7, 2010

LA Fair

On Sunday, Matt and I (and his mom) went to the LA Fair.  We always go opening weekend because it's only $1 to get in, although we want to go back.  It was so very hot.  Not one cloud to provide a little bit of shade...although there was a nice little breeze every once in a while.  Even the air conditioned buildings got hot after being in them for more than 5 minutes because there were so many people.  The fair seemed smaller this year.  Usually there are rows and rows of outside shopping and than all the shopping in the buildings.  But this year there were close to no outside shops.  And not one Anime booth!  That surprised me given there were 5 last year.  But!  I did see a lot of the same type people who run them running booths that sold nothing but these weird squishy balls to play with.  So maybe they decided to do that this year.  We didn't manage to get over to the animals because by time we got through the shops, we (well me at least) were dieing.  My feet and back hurt so bad.  Let's see the first year we went we stayed till like 7 or 8...but the next year we only stayed till about 2 because it was even hotter...and this year we stayed till about 4-5 so I guess we did good. Matt was excited to use his little camel pack that he got for Christmas a couple years back.  He looked kind of silly with it on because it was so small compared to him (I should of taken a picture), but he got to carry around his own water and he was happy haha.  It also came in handy when we had to single file.  I just held onto the backpack so I wouldn't get lost =P   Matt's mom wanted to open some pearls (I always like to watch that) and Matt and I both picked one.  And who would of guessed...both the ones we picked had twin pearls!  Matt's were cream and mine were black, and slightly bigger haha.  There was also an exibit there that I had always wanted to go into after hearing about it.  It was $7 extra but worth it.  It's an exibit of bodies.  They say they are real bodies, but they look like they put some clay or something to help keep them upright.  It was interesting.  It had healthy lungs next to smoker's lungs.  I heard one guy say he was going to quit smoking haha.  They also had a body sliced completely from head to toe in about inch thick slices.  We weren't aloud to take pictures inside that, and I didn't even think about taking some outside...so if we go back I'll have to take some.  All in all it was a pretty good day.


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