Today on YouTube, a 2 part video put up by Sea World about how The Cove gives false information about marine parks connection to the killings in Japan.
I think I take Sea World's side in this. Given, I think The Cove was great and right about the dolphin killings. I also believe that dolphins shouldn't be taken from the wild and put in captivity. There are so many in captivity now, and with successful breeding programs, that if they wanted to get dolphins no matter what, that would be the better choice no? The fact is, we can't just release the dolphins that are in captivity now because they would not survive. I do feel that the tanks they are kept in are too small to house as many as they do, and yes there are a lot of aquariums out there that don't take good care of their animals (but that goes for all animals, not just dolphins). But honestly, without the interaction with dolphins that people get (which really is an amazing experiance), do you really think as many people would care? I mean sure there would still be people that care about them just from the wild, not not near as many. What about the good dolphins do? Like dolphin therapy? Even while I was watching it, I thought to myself about the US buying dolphins from Japan and thought it unlikely just from the breeding programs. That and if you do pay attention, all the trainers in The Cove do, in fact, appear to be Asian.
I can understand Ric O Barry's guilt over helping start the fascination with dolphins in captivity with Flipper, but that is no reason to give false alligations. It's like people hating the country of Japan for what the fishermen do. Not all of Japan is to blame. I love dolphins and Japan haha.
Given Sea World is trying to keep their business open without their guests feeling guilty (but isn't the cove doing the same thing only opposite?) - both sides are of course in favor of themselves - but reguardless, you can't point fingers at things that aren't related.
I see both sides of these stories, and I support both. The killings in Japan should be stopped. No more dolphins should be taken into captivity. And better living areas should be constructed for the ones already there. But I believe the educational side (which I'll admit, was their first insentive and has kind of lost it's way in entertainment - but could probably be found again) of what Sea World does has value. Most people can't love and want to protect an animal they can't see upclose and understand.
I know no one will probably really read this haha, but here are the links to those videos: