Ok, let me start this off with a warning: This will probably be all over the place because I tend to ramble when I get on a roll.
There are roughly two groups of people that play World of Warcraft. There are the ones that play it because it's a game where they can kill and try to be number one and only see it as a game to play and speed through. Then there are the story loves, like myself, who play the game because we enjoy it, but also really enjoy the story that Blizzard has put into this world.
The lore lovers are the people who take the time to read the quests to get the full story. The ones who catch the tear jerking moments, or the funny subtle jokes. The ones who spend their money on the books and merch and things like that in order to get more of the story. The ones who are willing to wait a little longer for content if it means the story is amazing.
You would think that Blizzard would aim to hit this audience more, since they usually end up spending more time and money.
Well, it feels like (to a lot of us) that Blizzard has decided to sacrifice their stories in order to appeal to the players who race through content in order to be number one. The ones who play play play nonstop and then complain that there isn't anything to do. Why don't you pace yourself and enjoy the world a little more?? Ok off topic...
Trust me, I understand from a business point of view that getting content out quickly is important. But is it really worth sacrificing this amazing world you've created? Lots of lore junkies complain about the new expansions because they have such potential, but end up with some copout ending.
I know that numbers are important, but, like I said early, the lore lovers are the ones that are going to feel around the world and find easter eggs and things likes that. The ones spending money on books, comics, and things like that. So why ruin the lore?
This new expansion looks so exciting! But a lot of us are terrified Blizzard is going to sacrifice characters we've come to love and watched grow in order to give people something that, back in the day, they said they'd never do. And also wearing out the story line of "good guy turns evil"
Artifact weapons is an interesting concept, but (like you have done with some of the others) make up new weapons or use ones that have been "lost". Don't kill of major characters just so every character can walk around with the same weapon. Yes, I know you can change the color and stuff some, but lets face it....all ret pallies are going to have an Ashbringer in one way or another (poor Tirion).
This new expansion looks so exciting! But a lot of us are terrified Blizzard is going to sacrifice characters we've come to love and watched grow in order to give people something that, back in the day, they said they'd never do. And also wearing out the story line of "good guy turns evil"
Artifact weapons is an interesting concept, but (like you have done with some of the others) make up new weapons or use ones that have been "lost". Don't kill of major characters just so every character can walk around with the same weapon. Yes, I know you can change the color and stuff some, but lets face it....all ret pallies are going to have an Ashbringer in one way or another (poor Tirion).
Why do I care so much? I'll explain, but look at any other fandom. Weren't Harry Potter fans a little upset when tons of their favorite characters got killed? I know some death is inevitable, but not MASS killing
When I started playing World of Warcraft the February after it originally released, I knew nothing of the story. As a matter of fact, I traded in my (dying) Sims Online subscription for a WoW one haha.
I had never played any of the Warcraft games and I just came to Azeroth because a friend dragged me along.
I'll admit, I went though most of the game not really paying attention to the story. Once Wrath of the Lich King came around, a light bulb popped up and I realized that the whole world was interconnected with a massive story. I started reading quests and connecting dots and totally fell in love! I wish I had gone back and found the lore secrets that I had missed from the Vanilla days. I actually go to YouTube and watch old quest chains that are lore heavy. One even brought me to tears (yes, I'm a nerd). Now, I am slowly growing my collection of World of Warcraft novels and am currently reading the short stories on the website.
I'll admit, I went though most of the game not really paying attention to the story. Once Wrath of the Lich King came around, a light bulb popped up and I realized that the whole world was interconnected with a massive story. I started reading quests and connecting dots and totally fell in love! I wish I had gone back and found the lore secrets that I had missed from the Vanilla days. I actually go to YouTube and watch old quest chains that are lore heavy. One even brought me to tears (yes, I'm a nerd). Now, I am slowly growing my collection of World of Warcraft novels and am currently reading the short stories on the website.
I know their lore has plot holes, but most stories do. And, to be honest, they don't have as many as you'd expect going from book to game and back again (also several different authors).
The tv show Reba has more plot holes (though still a good show) haha
I know that there are probably quite a few people who will poke holes in what I'm saying (to be fair I'm talking so fast I probably forgot important parts I wanted to say...I do that). And many that disagree with what I'm saying altogether. But these thoughts have been racing in my head since Legion was announced. I know a couple WoW YouTubers agree with my fears and whatnot. And I know my audience is pretty much non existent, but writing down my feelings helps get them to stop SPINNING around in my head haha.
I know World of Warcraft has to die one day, but I really hope they do it on THEIR terms and not while trying to beat a dead horse with dreadful expansion after another.
I personally think they should make a final expansion and then let the players die down gradually.
I could go into what WoW means to me, but that would make this post a million miles long. I'll do that another day. And YES I know it is "JUST A GAME" and I don't like....depend on it. But no one can ignore the impact it has had on my life. And it is an awesome chapter that I will be sad when it closes ;)
(I hope that wasn't too hard to understand. I may have to come back and fix it once my brain settles a little teehee)
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