Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Leftovers Day!

Didn't get a chance to write yesterday, we woke up, got ready, left, came home, and went to bed haha.
How was your Thanksgiving?  Ours was pretty good.  Same as usual, first Matt's mom's side, then his dad's.  Both up at Lake Arrowhead.
I got some pictures, but they aren't very good cause of bad lighting (and wiggly targets)

 Waiting to eat
 Abby's Yin

 Waiting to eat....again

Are you going out for any Black Friday deals?  I'm not....but mainly cause I have no money haha.  Matt, however, is out there right now!  Not what you think....he's working.  He was put on the register in the electronics section.  I think he was a little nervous cause that's usually the busiest section.  But he'll get the last of the crowd, since he went in at 4AM and they opened at 9PM


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Just Saying....

Mr. Miracle Man

(old photos)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

To My Daddy.....

We love you so much! 
Thank you for everything you do for us.
You are an amazing Dad and Grandpa, just ask Hailey
She misses her outside, popsicle eating friend haha
We hope to come see you soon!
Have a wonderful day!
(and your present is going to be late, sorry)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Rapunzel, meet Rapunzel

Yesterday we went to Disneyland.  I usually let Hailey pick her outfit, and she picked her Rapunzel dress from Halloween.  Well whatever little girl :)  It won't fit her next year, so might as well let her wear it out.  Anyway we had a lot of fun!  These last couple times we've gone have been more fun because she knows more of the characters and stuff.
We had decided to wait in the line to meet Rapunzel since she was wearing her dress.  It wasn't too bad a wait.  Right when we got there she had taken a break but after that it went pretty quick.  Plus the line wasn't as long as I have seen it before.  When we went in there, the lady with the camera and someone else were talking so no one told us it was our turn.  Rapunzel ended up talking to us so Hailey walked over to her.  Hailey was talking but surprisingly soft.  She gave her a little hug and was looking at her dress since they were the same, and the flowers in her hair. Rapunzel seemed to be smitten with her.  I got one really cute pictures, BUT since hailey wouldn't hold still, I had to delete it because she was a blurry blob.  I don't know if my phones messed up or what, but it used to take beautiful photos, and now not so much.  But Hailey is a wiggle worm now, and the room was surprisingly dark.  We got some pictures but they have me in them because Hailey eventually asked me to sit on the bench too haha.  I was a little bit irritated that the lady that was supposed to take our picture with the nice camera was too busy talking to even attempt to take a picture.  We left on our own time (we were never told to leave) because we knew there were people waiting still.  I'm sure next time Hailey asks to wear her Rapunzel dress to Disney, we'll stop by and say hi to Rapunzel again.
Smile for Daddy...she's too busy looking at her dress

Talking to Punzel

 Hailey's favorite ride.  We even ended up on a pink and purple horse!
On the Dumbo ride

In line to go see Jack

Sunday, November 4, 2012

It's hard to believe it's already November.....even harder to believe that your 10!
I still remember the day you were born.  It was the night after trick or treating and I woke up to a baby crying and I was like "what's going on?!" and ran upstairs.  It was Tanner crying.  We were watching him while you were born.  That night always sticks out in my mind.
Happy Birthday ladies man

Friday, November 2, 2012


How was your Halloween?  Ours was ok.  Hailey had a great time!
She was Rapunzel for Halloween.  I know what your thinking....wasn't she Rapunzel last year?  Well yes, yes she was.  But last year I picked her costume because I LOVE Tangled.  But this year she picked because she loves Tangled.  We walked into the Disney store at the mall and she saw the Rapunzel dress and squealed! It was adorable. 
I tried my hand and crafty "baking" for the first time.  Well, it was my first time trying something I saw off Pinterest.  They turned out ok.  Could of been better, but never would of known had I not tried.
Fun huh?  They're pumpkin rice crispies!
We went trick or treating down Matt's dad's neighborhood like we always do.....since our "neighborhood" doesn't suit trick or treating well haha.
I think Hailey had fun.  She loved her dress and loved talking to all the people.  It was hard to get her to not tell some story and introduce everyone and everything to people at every house.  She also held her pumpkin like a purse instead of in her hand, so it was hard for people to get the candy in.  No matter how many times I moved it, it always ended up on her arm again. 
Than when we got back, she was helping pass out candy.  One time she gave a guy one and was going back to give him his second (instead of holding them both at the same time) and he left and she was yelling after him "hey! Get back here!"  it was so funny! 
Here are the pictures I could get in her costume.  She refused to hold still or give a smile that wasn't like she was in pain.  Silly girl.
