Monday, June 18, 2012

Oh my

Totally forgot I didn't post a Happy Father's Day post.  Got sidetracked by HAVING MY PHONE STOLEN!!  I was so bummed.  Honestly, I cried all night.  I mean, I didn't lose that many pictures because I empty my phone every chance I get of videos and pictures.  But it still felt...dirty I guess is the right word.  Something that I used everyday for tons of stuff that I slept with is now in the hands of someone else.  Someone who probably at least once looked through the pictures that were on there and my text messages.  Creepy!
But anyway....HAPPY (late) FATHER'S DAY!  First to my wonderful father....who heard his message in my YouTube video
But to my wonderful husband who I couldn't really do anything for.  You are such an amazing father.  Hailey cries everytime you leave for work, and gets excited when you come home.  "Daddy" was her first word for a reason ;)
Well, I'm going to sign off now since this isn't my computer.  But beach posts will come soon, and pictures when I get back home.  We've been here two days, and have been to the beach both days haha.  I'm already getting pretty tan....though I'm still pretty darn white!  Forgot my lotion so I hope I don't peel too soon.


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