Welcome to March!
Spring is almost here! Wait a minute...isn't spring the raining one? Dangit! No more rain please. Yesterday Matt and I think we saw a pregnant deer. I wonder how many babies we'll have this year. Speaking of babies...my baby is so funny! When she sees herself in the mirror she smiles, she's laughing more, and she has the funniest complaining coos ever. Lately she's been laying in bed and talking to herself before I get up to feed her. She got a new toy the other day, an ocean wonder's play gym (of course ocean!). It has this octopus that hangs from the top, and she'll just sit and stare at him all day.
As some of you may know, now is the time to visit Disnyland! Well, Feburary would of been good too. I want my family to come visit me! (I still hope to be able to come back in July again). Bad thing is, my house is a little more crowded now and the only close nice hotel is kind of pricey. I mean, I don't care if they stay here, but they might. I would also love for Kimberly to visit me. I wouldn't mind going there for a visit either, but I'd love to take the girls to the beach.
We did have a chance to go to Canada for a vacation, but I HIGHLY doubt that will be happening. We were told we had a place to stay if we could just get there (but that's not counting food or anything). Airplane tickets are expensive there, not to mention passports. I have to get my last name changed on mine, we need one for Hailey, and Matt's mom has to get him a new one (she's getting it because she's the one that lost it). I would of loved to go. Another place Matt wants to visit is Texas. He hasn't been out there to see his family out there in forever. I've never been there either. I know the humidity will suck though. One thing I hate about vacations is leaving my doggie. I wish we could just take her with us all the time. I mean, I worry about her behaving when she's with us, but I'd still rather be US watching her than someone else.
Well, my tummy is rumbling, time to go find some breakfast.
Oh yea! A picture to complete....