Monday, November 7, 2016

Hello Again

Wow, it has almost been a year since I posted on here.
Sometimes I think to myself "why bother, no one reads it" which, lets be honest, no one does.  BUT it's almost like a diary.  I have one of those minds that has a lot that runs through it at all times of the day.  So sometimes, coming here and trying to organize my thoughts into sentences that (almost) make sense helps clear my mind.
Which also, if anyone knows of any other blog websites (what's the new 'big thing'? haha) let me know!
So, I may start writing on here again to get feelings on my chest or attempt to clear my head.  It doesn't always help.  Some feelings are just too intense to go away that easily, but hey! what does it hurt to try! I already have some things I know I can write about. (even though I try real hard to not get carried away.....people don't always like it when I let my mouth fly)
I look forward to seeing if anyone reads and/or connects.  If not, then Hi future self!  Stop rolling your eyes at me! It all made sense in the moment.....

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