Sunday, July 8, 2012


Life sure is full of decisions.  From big to small.  One that's kind of in the middle that I'm trying to decide right now is any kind of vacation plans.  Matt wouldn't be able to go, and that always makes me sad.  Plus Austin is to come here at some poing, but we don't wanna have him here too close to going back to school.  This summer has been kind of....unplanned haha.
Another big decision that needs a lot of talking and explaining is where are we going to live?  Do we stay in California and try to make it here (even though this state is going to hell in a handbasket with quality of living), go back to Utah, or do a new adventure and head to Texas?  They all have good and bad points.  This decision gives me a headache all the time.  I wish I could just get a sign to point me to what would be the best choice.  I have a fear of regret that makes it hard for me to make any kind of decision, especially if it's a huge one like this.
Than of course you have the little decisions, like what to make for dinner....which as of right now I have no idea on that either haha.  So I guess I'll go find Matt and see what he has planned.
Enjoy this adorable baby!


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