Here we go!
Sailor Moon Crystal Episode 5 - Makoto - Sailor Jupiter
This episode starts out in the rain, Usagi running late as usual. She isn't paying attention and walks into the road. Makoto is walking by and jumps, grabbing Usagi and saving her life.

Makoto tells her to not space out and keeps walking on.
Later the girls are at school talking about weddings and Umino tells them about a haunted bridal shop. Once again, Usagi is spacing out and bumps into Makoto who tells her to be careful.
They all make the observation that Makoto is kind of intimating. But Usagi thinks that maybe it's a misunderstanding.
Lunch rolls around and since everyone in her class is afraid of her, Makoto finds a quiet place to eat alone. Usagi is skipping along and sees her and her cute lunchbox, so she decides to investigate.
She pops up and sees her amazing lunch and, in being herself, befriends Makoto (who is actually very girly and super adorable!)

Usagi, of course, takes Makoto to the arcade and shows her the Sailor V game. Ami meets them there and is amazed at how quickly Usagi makes friends.
They also meet Motoki and, just like the original anime, Makoto has love at first sight since he reminds her of her old senpai.
After leaving they go walk by the bridal shop, then go meet up with Rei at her shrine. Rei senses something from Mako-chan. Luna does too, and they both suspect she may be another scout.
Skip to Motoki closing the arcade up, where he runs into the creepiest thing ever! The "bride ghost" takes his energy and makes him her puppet
After leaving the group, Makoto goes back by the bridal shop where she meets the possessed Motoki and he seduces her into thinking he loves her.
Mamoru sees and notices the evil.
He quickly changes to Tuxedo Mask and heads to Usagi's house....which how does he know where she lives?
Anyway...Of course Usagi follows and finds Mako-chan getting her energy drained.
Luna, seeing Usagi leave, contacts the other scouts via the communicators and they meet up with her and transform.
They get attacked, of course, and Mars opens up the battle with a real kick ass fire attack
Nephrite appears with his creepy ass minion and they take Makoto hostage and try to make her give up on love/life.
Sailor Moon convinces her that love is worth waiting for with her little speech and Makoto notices it's Usagi instantly.
She does her famous over-the-body flip of Ms. Creepy Bride and Luna gives her her pen to transform
She gives her speech and precedes to attack Nephrite with Flower Hurricane and Jupiter Thunder
Nephrite notices her eyes and that he recognizes them from somewhere. Evil bride gets taken out and Nephrite flees, like they do.
After they scouts welcome her into their group and Luna gives Sailor Moon the Moon Stick and informs her that she is their leader.
Ok, this episode was surprisingly amazing. Jupiter is not my favorite scout, but, so far, this is my favorite episode. There wasn't really and art flaws, like this show tends to have.
Also, I think they showed of Makoto's personality really well. I don't think it came out quite as much in the original anime. Her voice threw me at first, but it does really fit her.
They also did a couple other things that are more true to the manga vs the original anime. Like Rei's distaste for men.
They are also not killing off the generals, and seem to be showing their romance with the scouts, so that will be an interesting take and I'm excited to see what they do with it!
Next week we get to learn a little more about the ever so handsome Tuxedo Mask!
YouTube video review -
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