Saturday, April 7, 2012

Idea for Memories

Well hello there!  How's it going?  Are you ready for Easter tomorrow?  We are going to color eggs tonight.  Hailey ended up with two Easter dresses, so she's wearing one today and her "fancier" of the two she'll wear tomorrow. 
So here's my idea.  Since we have Disneyland Season passes now....I was thinking of getting Hailey an autograph book.  I mean, I know she's too little to care right now, so I wasn't originally going to get her one.  But than I noticed that the autographs books are different than they were when I was younger.  Now they have a spot to put a photo with the person who's autograph you got.  So I was thinking of getting one and (if it doesn't already have it) add the year and get as many as we can in that year with pictures so when she gets older she can look back and see how awesome her childhood was hahahaha.  No, but really I thought it would be fun.  How does it sound?
Here's a kind of crappy picture of her dress she's wearing today.  I'll replace it if I get a better one today...she was in a bad mood this morning (this one is from last night)


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