Tuesday, April 5, 2011

4 Months

Today little Hailey is 4 months old.  It's amazing to see how she's grown.  For a while she didn't seem any bigger to me, which, I'm sure, is because the longest I go without seeing her is at night.  But one day it hit me how big she really is.  I weighed her with my Wii Fit the other day and it said 14lbs! We'll know exact weight when she goes to the doctor on Thursday.  She is still a drooling machine!  And everyday is a battle to keep her hands out of her mouth.  Matt says I won't win...but I'm not giving up haha.

  She now loves to have a blankie with her when she sleeps, usually using it to cover her face. 
Her feet have become like another pair of hands.  Matt calls her monkey feet.  She'll lay on her play gym and kick her toys.  I've also been pinched by them more than once.  She also uses them to kick her blankies off at night. 
She's so close to rolling over from her back to her belly!  She gets half way, than just lays on her side.  I think her arm gets in the way. 
She's discovered her voice, which leads her to just sit and squeal most of the time. And something I love....she's discovered the joy of splashing!
 (I do have fun videos but I need to put them on here still)
On Thursday, I take her on a plane for the first time....by myself.  I'm so nervous!  No one likes to sit next to a baby on a plane, and I have no idea how she'll react.  I'm hoping to try to keep her awake most of the day if I can so maybe she'll just sleep.  I also need to get her back to using a bottle.  She used to take it just fine, but one say she decided she didn't like it anymore.  I'm not going to breastfeed her forever so she's going to have to learn at some point.  Sigh. 
Oh and I had a wonderful birthday! Thanks everyone :)


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